Category Archives: Family

Road trip with my mom
We closed up the house in New Jersey and my mom and I drove the van (packed full of stuff from my Grandpa’s houseView full post »

What can you do in 2 months?
I recently moved to La Paz, Bolivia for two months to serve and volunteer with the HOPE worldwide team here as well asView full post »

Winter wonderland in the Northwoods of Wisconsin
In the days following Christmas I was able to get away and spend a few days with my family in the Northwoods ofView full post »

Christmas in the US : here, there, and everywhere
So, spending Christmas in the US was unexpected but I am so grateful for right where God has me. I am getting settled inView full post »

When plans change… and I’m moving to Jersey.
What do you do when what you hoped would happen doesn’t happen? How do you react when the plans you made andView full post »

Catching my breath
Hey there! So I just returned from a three week whirlwind trip – I stopped in Atlanta, GA to photograph the ArtsView full post »

Remembering September 11th, 2001
I was in New York City – here’s my story… April 14, 2001 – My brothers, Charles and Russ, cameView full post »

A fun adventure into the city of Boston
I was recently back in Boston to visit friends and I got to spend a beautiful Saturday with one of my favorite familiesView full post »

Family fun in the northwoods of Wisconsin
I got the chance to spend a week with my family in the northwoods of Wisconsin this past week. My brother also broughtView full post »

Happiness in the simple things
I have a large, blended family. Most of the family is spread out across the midwest, I’m the furthest –View full post »

Throw Back Thursday – Teen Leader Fun
I had the chance to serve in the youth ministry in my church for about five years and it was such an incredibleView full post »

I moved to Honduras.
I actually did it. I jumped head first into following my dream of living in a spanish speaking country and doingView full post »

Trucks, trucks, trucks
Who knew that something as simple as ‘trucks’ could be SO EXCITING!? Well, I got to find that out first-View full post »

My ‘other’ family
The Shaw family has sort of adopted me out here on the East Coast since my whole family is back in the midwest. I amView full post »